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Omsk State
Agrarian University
named after P.A. Stolypin


Agrotechnological Faculty of Omsk State Agrarian University opened a new classroom for growing corn and making high-energy fodder

The classroom creation was financed by a corn factory "Kuban".

The opening ceremony was attended by several prominent officials: Rector of Omsk State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Oksana Viktorovna Shumakova, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region Nikolay Valentinovich Drofa, Head of the Representative Office of OOO "Semena Sibiri 54" (Novosibirsk Region) Ivan Ivanovich Datsiy.

This classroom will be used for studying biological features of corn, making video conferences and organizing advanced training for agronomists, engineers, producers and other agricultural workers.

Omsk SAU Rector expressed gratitude on behalf of the entire university staff, stressing that "creation of such classrooms is a good example of interaction between an educational organization and industrial enterprises."

Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region noted that "the main task is to use modern technologies when training students, and such laboratory-like classrooms just contribute to the better assimilation of knowledge."

Chairman of the "Kuban" corn factory governing committee Vladimir Mikhailovich Korotkin joined the event online. He congratulated Omsk State Agrarian University on the opening of the audience and stressed that "the joint activities of Omsk and Kuban agrarians will certainly lead to excellent results."

Ivan Ivanovich Datsiy from "Semena Sibiri 54" company and Honourable Professor of Omsk SAU Ilya Fedorovich Enikeev stressed the importance of corn in farm animal fodder production.

Associate Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production Yulia Valeryevna Frizen demonstrated the capabilities of the classroom and thanked the guests.

You can see photos from the event in Omsk SAU official community in Vkontakte-

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