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Omsk State
Agrarian University
named after P.A. Stolypin


International Symposium on the Use of Digital Technologies in Agro-industrial Complex

On February 19, the Digital Situation Room of Omsk State Agrarian University hosted an International Symposium on the Use of Digital Technologies in Agro-industrial Complex

It was attended by specialists from Germany, India, China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees of leading Russian universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics), various agricultural universities of 10 regions of the Siberian Federal District, as well as representatives of government authorities. 

They discussed digital doubles of biological assets, predictive analytics, carbon footprint, selective breeding and genetics of crops and animals based on digital data. These are the topics all agrarian universities and scientific institutions work on nowadays. Speakers, experts and participants of the symposium identified the areas of efficient interaction. 

Rector of Omsk State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Oksana Shumakova opened the meeting. She noted that it was the first time Omsk SAU hosted such a big event on this topic. "Of course, the pandemic makes digital technologies more important in all aspects of social life and economy. They make production process more efficient, ensure ecological and economic sustainability", she said. 

Oleg Kolesnikov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region, stressed the importance of digitalization of agriculture, noting that there are enterprises in the region that are already keeping pace with the time. In his opinion, the agricultural symposium will also boost those who are looking for opportunities to use digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex. 

First Deputy Minister of Industry, Communications, Digital and Scientific-Technical Development of the Omsk Region, Maxim Sushkov, described a digital platform for agriculture in the Omsk Region. It was created in 2019, and in 2020 an additional platform for the sale of agricultural products was made on its basis.  

Alexey Beloshitsky, Executive Director of the NTI Competence Center for Big Data Storage and Analysis Technology at Lomonosov Moscow State University, said in his report: "Digitalization is our new necessity both in terms of data quality and in terms of their evaluation and forecasting."

Adamas University (Colcata, India) was represented by Director of the International Department, Professor Parimal Biswas. Prof. Biswas thanked Omsk SAU for signing the agreement regulating the cooperation in the field of digitalization of agriculture.

Presentations at the symposium were practice-oriented. They covered such issued as introduction of specific technologies or platforms and commercialization of technologies.

"Application of digital technologies in wheat breeding" - Prof. Vladimir Shamanin, Director of the International Genetics and Breeding Center of Omsk State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.

"Assessment of environmental footprints in agriculture" - Vitaly Pomogaev, Vice-rector for Economics and Informatization, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Omsk State Agrarian University. 

"Commercialization of university developments" - Sergey Trostyansky, Deputy Director of NTI Competence Center for Big Data Storage and Analysis Technologies at Lomonosov Moscow State University. 

"Digital technologies used by GRIMME in crop production"- Konstantin Niederkwel, representative of GRIMME, Germany. 

"Digital platform for predictive analytics of agromachines" - Pavel Revyakin, Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Omsk State Agrarian University.

"New digital genetic technologies in dairy farming" - Rostislav Kovalevsky, Director for Innovations, Natalia Perova, Director of the Competence Center for Dairy Farming, EFKO Group of Companies.

"Digital farm and new opportunities in education", Olga Kosenchuk, Dean of the Faculty of Zootechny Commodity Science and Standardization, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Omsk State Agrarian University.

Participants of the symposium asked many questions, and experts and speakers answered some of them during the event. Other answers will be published in Omsk SAU Telegram channel -

At the end of the event, the participants summed up the results and exchanged opinions.

More photos can be found in the official Omsk SAU community in VKontakte.

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