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Omsk State
Agrarian University
named after P.A. Stolypin


The first meeting of the Intercultural Student Center

In April 2020, the International Relations Department established the Intercultural Student Center. Its main purpose is to promote the international activity of Omsk SAU students, and contribute to the development of intercultural communications and better socialization of foreign students!

Gulnara-Zaynutdinova.jpgDue to COVID-19 dangers, the first meeting of the Center was held online on May 14, 2020. Gulnara Zaynutdinova, a young teacher at the University of West Virginia, USA (PhD, Assistant Professor at Finance Department of Finance Chambers College of business and economics, West Virginia University) was an invited guest.

The topic was so interesting that the meeting was attended not only by students of Omsk SAU, but also by students of other Omsk universities: Omsk State Transport University and Dostoevsky Omsk State University.

Gulnara described her success story. After getting her diploma in Omsk, she finished a free postgraduate course in the United States. Then, she received a proposal to become a university teacher. In spite of being a graduate of Omsk State University, Gulnara knew, that it was agricultural research that played the key role in her life.  It allowed her to participate in the FEP exchange program for agrarian universities teachers.

The most discussed issues at the meeting were the prospects of continuing education in a foreign university, the problems of cultural adaptation in a foreign country, the perception of foreign culture, the most priority competence levels.

Gulnara noted that almost all American universities historically have deep connection to agricultural professions. So, for students of omsk SAU, it won't be difficult to continue deepening their knowledge in this field at an American university. Of course, you also need to have excellent English skills. As for other requirements, you need to conduct your own scientific research and be ready to pass GMAT or GRE entrance exams. Being engaged in different social activities in also important. Additionally, knowledge of the basics of programming and such software products as R, Python, STATA, SAS, Matlab, SPSS is crucial for all students, as it allows you to process large amounts of data.

The following resources offer you many options for self-study of programming: EdX, DataCamp, Udamy, O'reilly, Learn Python, Harvard University Online R courses, CodeAcademy.

It's also interesting that though master's degree programs at American universities are mostly paid, postgraduate studies are mostly free. So, you can enter them having met all the entrance requirements and having received master's degree in Russia. 

In general, the meeting was held in a very friendly atmosphere. Gulnara shared not only her success, but also various difficulties that emerged on her way. We hope that Intercultural Student Center events will become a new source for personal and professional development of our students!

Anastasia Kobets, Omsk SAU:

"After the meeting, we realized that Omsk State Agrarian University is a very good starting point for entering a foreign University. You need to work hard, regularly improve your English, and participate in international exchange programs. Gulnara also told us how to study the foreign language more effectively, and which study programs of West Virginia University we can apply for. She shared that there are few Russian students studying at the university, but they're very much appreciated."

Evelina Osadchuk, Omsk State Transport University:

"Gulnara has shared the story of her success, which is very motivating. We were very glad to talk to her. I'm thankful to the International Relations department and the Intercultural Student Center for this experience."

Aset Madiev, Omsk SAU:

"I enjoyed this event very much and would like to express my gratitude to the Omsk SAU International Relations Department and the Intercultural Student Center, to everybody who participated in organizing this event. Of course, I'm thankful to Gulnara Zaynutdinova for giving me an opportunity to learn about the requirements for admission to US universities, about the possibilities of getting a free education as a student of a Russian University, and about the powerful motivation for getting a master's or Ph.D's degree. I strongly recommend all students to attend such events, and do not hesitate to contact the International Relations Department to find out information about current exchange programs or other opportunities to study at a foreign university."

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